The Ripple-Effect

Have you ever been walking down the street or sitting on the train – and someone smiles at you because you are smiling?  Smile and the world smiles with you?  It’s something like that.

Sometimes we don’t realize how much affect we have on others.

When you have fun doing an activity and the result of doing so leads to more pleasure, broadened experiences and even perhaps – greater health outcomes – you want to share it with others.  You want them to experience what you have.  You want them to join you in your fun.  In short: you want more people to play – or play with.

I’ve had the honour and pleasure of working and playing in the areas of recreation and fitness for my whole career.  I’ve been lucky enough to see people transform from unfit couch potatoes into athletes – right in front of my eyes.  Through this process, I have also seen these same athletes – draw others into their sphere who then draw even more people into their spheres.  The ripple effect.  It’s as true for a smile as it is for what we do.

Be that ripple. Invite a friend.  Be first to try something or be the second. Share your enthusiasm and see what happens.


March 9, 2018