Unintended Consequences

Have you ever decided to do something – just for yourself – something healthy or fun or invigorating – and discovered that there were some really great unintended consequences?

I’ve been watching the Olympics and as such, some unbelievable athletes.  The talent, work and dedication that it takes to compete at the Olympic level goes beyond what most of us can comprehend.  Two athletes come to mind when it comes to certain kind of unintended consequence.  Mark McMorris (Snowboard) and Denny Morrison (Speed Skating).

Mark McMorris had a catastrophic accident last year.  Denny Morrison was in a motorcycle accident in 2015.  Both of them survived where others may not have.  Both survived their ordeals – not because they are male and have Morris as part of their names but because they were fit and healthy perhaps providing a better chance at beating the odds.

Both are at the 2018 Olympics today – because they were strong and healthy.  They of course are extremely fit, and extreme fitness is not required for most of us – but the unintended consequences of being strong and physically fit basically saved their lives.

Investing in a basic level of fitness can pay some pretty profound dividends but some of these are far more subtle than you might first realize.  With a little time, regularity and dedication – you may find you sleep better, are more clear thinking, sick less often, make better nutritional choices and have a more positive outlook.

How much do you need to DO? If you’re just getting started three 10 minute bouts of moderate to vigorous physical activity, daily – is enough to help improve your health.  Thirty minutes and more, 5 times per week – will improve your fitness. Choose to move.  Start small.  Build from there.  Achieve the benefits and be ready for the wonderful unintended consequences.

LiveSplendidly! (and Go Canada!)

February 12, 2018