Princess Adventures 2016 – Princess Virgins


This is how the brochure reads:  The first day on the road will be a spectacular one.  Amazing vistas of the Okanagan Valley from the hills of Summerland.  The sky is vast and often clear, the winds light and the company always great.

This is how a Princess Virgin describes: “Oh yes, the ride STARTED and ENDED flat but everything in between seemed to be a hill.  I wasn’t sure if we were ever going to stop climbing. Nice views though.”  Followed by “I think we should have our team meetings to talk about what we’re doing on the next ride  – the morning of… instead of at dinner the night before when I have all night to stew about how many MORE hills we’ll be climbing.”

Fair enough.  The funny thing was (and it’s good I have a sense of humor/no ego (anymore)) it was me, the leader – who was off-the-back most of the day.

All Princesses, veteran and virgin did just fine.  We had the annual and required ‘spill’ and the phone call saying “Where are you?”  followed by “We are under the big willow tree – where are YOU”?

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Today – more vistas!


May 31, 2016