So much more than you’d think…

I have been so lucky to have been given the opportunities that I have had in my career.  Many of the most rewarding experiences have been the ones where I get to watch the birth of an athlete.  It sounds hokey but to me, the best part of seeing someone start something new, take on a big-hairy-goal and then accomplish it – is witnessing the unintended consequences that come along for the ride.  

This year alone, I’ve seen moms tackle enormous hills on their bikes that would make anyone cry, and accomplish 100km rides – all in the same week; couples take on the challenge of the marathon and be there for one another when it’s good, and when it’s not; uncertain newbies who thought the were ‘done’ after the half marathon in training, who trusted us and carried on, unsure they could double the distance on game-day (but they did).  I’ve seen gals who thought they couldn’t possibly change their own bicycle tire – and nail it the first time they try.  Every accomplishment brings a storm of other, often unintended consequences – with unbelievable confidence at the core of them all.  

With each and every one of these ‘wins’ – an athlete is born and with that – a boost in self-confidence.  I am thrilled every, single time I see this happen. 

Perhaps these are the wonderful unintended consequences of being a coach.


December 13, 2018