Rest and Recover

The Princesses had a nearly perfect day for the Apex Crossover ride yesterday with temps at about 25C, winds reasonably light and beautifully clear skies.  The 21km of uphill is rewarded with a 15km downhill on really nice road.  We were reminded that we were in the mountains when a car coming the opposite direction stopped to let us know that there was a bear on the road – so while still enjoying the downhill – our Spidey-senses were on high alert.  We didn’t see the bear – but then Wendy S was way out in front and probably scared the poor thing off.  Thanks Wendy.

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We do have a new Queen of the Mountain.  Wendy P (who tried to sandbag us early on by saying she wasn’t really very fit upon arrival – HA!) set a steady, unstoppable pace heading up.  We might not have seen her again if it weren’t for three downhill-loving Princesses on the way down. WhooHoo!

Our trusty chef delivered lunch to us but not before hopping on his own stallion to take a little tour down – and then up the Yellow Lake hill.  Our lunch spot included a table cloth, fine china and silver 😉 , sandwiches, salad, cookies, fruit and the requisite ripple chips.  Yum!

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The day was completed with a quick trip to Skaha for a dip in some cool water.  A very refreshing finish indeed.

Today – we rest.  We are all looking forward to a day out of the saddle and an opportunity to rejuvenate before our final ride tomorrow.  The week has gone very fast and will be over before we know it.  Sigh.


June 25, 2015