Protect the Bean

Is it just me or is there a war on cycling helmets at the moment? Actually, I know it’s not just me, because I’ve run into a few people who have had the same thoughts lately.  What’s with that?

Whether I’m riding on the bike paths of YYC or on the roads in the countryside – I keep running into riders that are helmet-less… lid-less… cask-less.  It doesn’t matter what you call the helmet, but in the end, it could be the difference between a slight concussion (which is bad enough) and a catastrophic head injury.

From a personal perspective, I’ve seen the concussion both in a family member and a friend and colleague – and it wasn’t pretty.  Lost months due to recovery, memory loss, changed personalities – it can be ugly.  Thankfully, I haven’t yet met anyone who has expired from a catastrophic head injury.  Thankfully.

Safety first.  It’s the one thing that I will always emphasize in my Princess Pedal clinics and camps.  The helmet won’t always save your life, but it’s like the ultimate insurance policy – it’s there to do what it can, when it can.

Consumer Reports (CR), July, 2016 has a terrific article on bicycle helmets that not only discusses the benefits of wearing one, but discusses the benefits there are in wearing the ‘right’ one.  How does yours rate?  Personally, I had to go for the best fitting ‘small’ because of my small bean – so I’m actually not sure what the rating is – but it fits and doesn’t look like I’m wearing a mushroom on my head.

CR discusses at length the anatomy of a crash and what the rotational affects are on your brain when you hit the turf (or another object, stationary or moving).  The helmet scientists have come out with the Multi-directional Impact Protection System (MIPS) which reduces the rotational forces and the amount of energy transferred to the head… you really should read the article.  It also quotes the number of sports related head injuries seen in emergency rooms annually in the USA – and lays out bicycling as #1 at 286,978 and football as #2 at 220,258 and soccer as #4 at 98,710.  Surprised?  Yep, me too.

Do yourself a favour – and spare your family and friends the anguish.  Protect the bean.  Wear a helmet.  Wear it well, with the chin strap snug (but not too snug) – and live to cycle another day.


July 29, 2016