Princess Pedal Adventures 2016 – Day 1, complete

Well, it was a hot one folks.  Thirty five degree celsius and dead calm.  No breeze to speak of. Hooboy.

These Princesses weren’t about to become wilting flowers though.  They tackled the skills session with enthusiasm and only one crash.

Princess Charlotte was doubtful about the whole skills session business, but found it helpful in getting to  know her new ride.  Princesses Sandy, Michele and Joyce all had been through the drills before and I think, were pleased with their progress since their first encounter of a skilled-kind.

After the skills we took a quick spin out to Naramata for a little vista viewing and the Princesses handled things just fine – until Princess Sandy decided to take a new route home – alone.  This is when it all got a little interesting.  While I was off trying to find Princess Sandy – the rest of the Princesses were given reasonably simple directions to follow (turn right, turn left and wait at Government Street where Sandy and I would meet them).  Being the independent, worldly Princesses that they are – they decided to try to find their way home – using Princess Charlotte’s GPS.  All went well until they witnessed a car crash which was followed by Charlotte’s own crash.  We hadn’t covered “how-to-use-your-GPS-in-one-hand-while-cycling-and-steering-with-the-other-skill” in the morning session, so we experienced booboo number one.  It’s just a flesh wound, but a little uncomfortable nonetheless.

Our afternoon included a little tire-changing and chain cleaning with everyone feeling a little more confident with the processes.

Fed, watered, hot-tubbed and lights out before 9pm.  In all, a pretty good day.


June 7, 2016