Princess Adventures 2016 – and so it begins.

I think we’re ready.  We’ve shopped, marinated, baked, cooked, blended and prepped as much as we can ahead of time.  This afternoon – 5 Princesses will arrive.

This week is the ‘veterans’ camp.  Super Sue, two of the Piranha Princesses, Princess Wendy and the virgin-Princess Phyllis.  All but one rider has been to camp before, so have requested some longer rides.  I have a few extensions to rides they have done before and one that’ll be new to them all.  We’ll log some spectacular kms, do some recovery yoga, eat some good food and have a laugh or two.

The weather has been unsettled to say the least, but we’re supposed to have some sun and warmth this week – so looking forward to that for sure.

Capture weather P1

Looking forward to a great week with this group.


May 29, 2016