With the New Year – we’re all looking for a fresh start to things, no? If you regularly exercise and are getting back into the swing of things after the “silly season” – then maybe that’s enough. If you have a standard routine like I seem to – then a little something new might be in order.
My regular routine at this time of year includes a combination of running, biking, swimming and weights, a once a week downhill ski and the odd (but ever increasing) xc ski. Eventhough I manage to pull together interesting (I hope) fitness plans for others – my own sometimes (ok, regularly) takes a back seat. I have decided to shake that up a bit for myself by changing or adding a new exercise to my program each week. That means I have to be dedicated to 52 new exercises this year. Could be challenging – but I’m going to give it a whirl.
This week’s new exercise will be: Mountain Climber
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