How you (we) might benefit from coaching.


Life coach, health coach, triathlon coach, swimming coach, business coach.  Coaching seems to be a big thing right now.  If you’ve ever wondered whether you might benefit from hiring a coach – here are some things to consider.

First and foremost the role of the coach is to help you achieve whatever it is you are hoping to achieve.  They are not meant to tell you what to do (or do the work for you) – but to facilitate your ‘doing’.  If you are looking for someone to help change your life’s direction in some way, you need to know something about where you want to go.  It doesn’t matter if the “it” is your life, career, finances, fitness, performance or health, a coach can help you to get out of your own way so you can make the changes and achieve your desired outcome. 

A good coach will help you identify the direction, cut through the clutter, plan the process and support you as you execute the plan.  Coaches are there to hold your feet to the fire and keep you accountable to the process.  We all do a little better, dig a little deeper and reach a little farther when we know someone is paying attention.

Don’t be fooled – when you hire a coach, you’re committing to making change – which means that there will be some hard work ahead.  Change doesn’t come easy and if you’re just looking for someone to hold your hand and let you continue to complain about not achieving your goal – then you’re wasting your money and time. 

I read the following somewhere: The first step to getting out of a hole, is to stop digging.  In other words, if you’ve seen a certain amount of success doing what you’re doing, but you are stuck in a place where you’re no longer aspiring to your goals, then hiring a coach (the right coach for you) is your next step.  You probably need to stop doing what you’ve always done, and would benefit from some skilful help moving in a new direction.


February 22, 2020