Gotta 2020 Project Yet?

With the late fall upon us and the end of the year drawing near, I know that many people start to think about what they’d like to accomplish in the upcoming year.  Maybe it’s improved health, embarking on volunteerism, more recreational travel, maybe something else. 

With the year 2020 up next, I got thinking about my own goals and thought it might be fun to set 20 small (or not) goals for myself in 2020.  At first I thought that this might be training for and doing a half ironman triathlon (since it’s been 10 years since my last one).  So I went about looking for the right event only to realize that I really didn’t want to do one.  Ok, so then what?  What about 20 things I’d never done before or hadn’t done in a long time?  Sounded like a plan.

My 2020 project plans started out with great enthusiasm, but I found that it was actually harder to find 20 new things to do that I would be interested in trying.  I think I’m at 10.  I haven’t given up on the list though, I just have to look around a little more for inspiration.  I’ve decided (actually, decided just now) that I don’t need the list to be complete before 2020 begins, just as long as 20 new things are accomplished by the end of 2020.

Setting and keeping goals is part of what keeps us on track.  Life can be sneaky and unintentionally derail us if we don’t keep at least one eye on the prize.  I know from my years of coaching that humans need a target and then a plan to get them there.  Goal-less training often leads to boredom, over training (or under resting) and very often stagnating or dropping out.  Setting a goal can light the fire under your enthusiasm and give your daily routine a new focus. 

I know you’ve read or heard this before but in setting goals –

  • you want them to be specific (make that list) with goal dates in mind,
  • they should be realistic and achievable so that you’re encouraged and not overwhelmed by the prospect.  A little adversity however builds confidence, so the goals can’t be too easy!
  • you want to be able to check off them off the list as they’re accomplished and,
  • celebrate the achievement(s) upon completion and then potentially – set new goals.

What will your 2020 project be?


November 21, 2019