Conscious, mindful, aware.

As the month winds to a close, I thought I’d check back in and let you know how successful (or  not)  I’ve been at being more conscious. If this post is new to you, check out my earlier blog “Moving from Consciously Unconscious”  below.  My challenge was to put my things away and not let my stuff pile up.  Well, as it happens I have successfully put my clothes way each night and didn’t let them pile up at the end of the bed.  Whew.  BIG accomplishment.  This has been a life-long ‘thing’ for me.

Where my efforts were thwarted was in the ‘office space’ organization area of my life.  The road was paved with good intentions.  Unfortunately, we’re having some water leaking issues sorted out in the office and so have been displaced from that space while work was being done.  As of today – we can move back in for the short term – so let’s see if I can be a little more successful in February.

That’s life though, isn’t it?  You can have the best intentions, and even a detailed plan – and life can get in the way.  Maybe it’s engaging in regular exercise, modifying your food intake or simply keeping your house tidy – sometimes there are things out of your direct control that sabotage your efforts.  Pretty easy to let it go and put off making those changes.  Sooo easy to let old habits derail your plans.  So what can one do?  Here are some thoughts.

Check in with your goals.  What goals have you set for yourself?  Are they realistic?  Do they need to be reassessed?  “Lose ten pounds by March” may or may not be realistic.  You can control your behaviours but you can’t really control how your body responds to those behaviours.  Don’t paint yourself into a corner and risk leaving you feeling like a failure.  Keep the goal challenging, but be realistic.

Check in with someone else.  Simple accountability to someone else can be very effective.  If this is you, find someone to talk to about your goals.  Your friends WANT to see you be successful.  Let them help you by being a point of accountability.  If this isn’t you and you are more inclined to write your goals down, log your progress or check in with yourself – great.  We all need something different so go with what works best for you.

Take the bull by the horns and do “JUST ONE THING”.  Maybe it’s not the whole enchilada – but it’s a start.  If it’s exercise – just GO.  Put your shoes on – and go for 20minutes.  If it’s modifying your diet – just STOP.  Stop and consider the consequences of the choices you are making.  Think long term.  Goals like – “I’ll never have chocolate again” are pretty unrealistic.  Goals like having chocolate once per week instead of every day – may be a little more realistic.  Treating yourself occasionally rather than denying yourself completely – sets you up for success rather than being punished for failure.  In my case – it’s “tidy as you go” instead of letting things pile up.

It’s February.  How are YOUR 2016 goals doing?


January 28, 2016