Princess Adventures 2016 – Veteran’s camp – the final frontier

The week is over.  The Princesses arrived, rode and conquered.  Today was another marker.

Princess Phyllis started and ended the week having cycled a little more than she ever has in a single week and commemorated it with and ice cream cup at Tickleberry’s.  Bliss…  Look out Penticton Gran Fondo! This Princess will be ready.

Princess Barb made an executive decision to honour her inner Princess and did what felt right.  McLean Creek backwards.  110kms today for her.

Princess Lori also honoured her inner Princess and chose no to go with Princess Barb.

Princess Sue returned to claim her ‘Princess of the Mountian’ moniker  – and did so – with confidence.

Princess Wendy ticked off a few boxes that needed ticking.  The Wall being one.  Changing a tire at the side of the road, another.

The week has been spectacular.  Good weather.  Good riding.  Good food.  Good fun.

We wish all the Princesses – safe travels.  Enjoy your trip home and we’ll catch you on a ride sometime soon.

(photo below is showing upside down and right side up.  Evidently it appears upside down on a PC and right side up on a Mac – I have no idea why this is so…)



June 4, 2016