20/09/21 – A new Comox tour begins.

Day 1, Group 2 – double trouble.

So. to be clear – things actually got started last night but today was the first ride of the week.  There were 4 veterans of this tour, and 4 newcomers.  Two of whom, were unknowns.  Within seconds of meeting – we had a group of 10. I thought – we will indeed, have a good week!

We awoke to grey skies and looming wetness.  No one blinked.  No one asked – should we ride?  We just got organized, pumped tires, re-layerd and got out of the parking lot.  The day was eventful, in minor but significant ways.  First flat (known as the FF although I’m pretty sure that’s not exactly how FF was meant to be expressed) within about 20mins of starting.  It didn’t help that it was WET and things stick to wet tires like they don’t when it’s DRY.  However a good learning opportunity and off we went.  A tour around Comox and Courtenay (the boundaries of which I still marvel at and can’t at all figure out), out to the airport and military airfield.  Through Seal Bay Park – also known as Beal Say Park – when my lips aren’t working.

After many twists and turns.  We made it back to the hotel where our very best guide and lead-garcon retrieved some beer from the fridge and we enjoyed some wobblypop under cover at the BW.  Some of us moved on for a delicious greasy burger at George’s Food Bar (the best burger joint in town) only to drip grease and sauce all over the Haid’s vehicle.  Off to Seal Bay Park for a little walk in the woods.  All that’s left is to clean bikes, eat something and celebrate a great day!

Great first day with this group of strangers.  Cheers.  Until next time.



September 20, 2021